Interactive Environmental Programs
with April Claus
Engaging, educational, eye-opening and fun! April will capture the attention of any audience with her hands-on programs. Click on the programs below to learn more.
Educational Programs
We can add a link that opens a popup window for each program description. You can have as many or as few programs as you want to offer. I just put these here for place holders.
We can add a link that opens a popup window for each program description. You can have as many or as few programs as you want to offer. I just put these here for place holders.
We can add a link that opens a popup window for each program description. You can have as many or as few programs as you want to offer. I just put these here for place holders.
We can add a link that opens a popup window for each program description. You can have as many or as few programs as you want to offer. I just put these here for place holders.
We can add a link that opens a popup window for each program description. You can have as many or as few programs as you want to offer. I just put these here for place holders.
We can add a link that opens a popup window for each program description. You can have as many or as few programs as you want to offer. I just put these here for place holders.
We can add a link that opens a popup window for each program description. You can have as many or as few programs as you want to offer. I just put these here for place holders.
We can add a link that opens a popup window for each program description. You can have as many or as few programs as you want to offer. I just put these here for place holders.
We can add a link that opens a popup window for each program description. You can have as many or as few programs as you want to offer. I just put these here for place holders.
A Little Bird Told Me:
"April is amazing! She combines a deep understanding of our natural world with the delivery style of a stand up comedian. I have witnessed her captivate four-year-old children and graduate students with that same level of engagement and enthusiasm about what matters most: an understanding of how we are all connected."
~Chic on a Boat
"Creative, connected and resourceful. April Claus can help your organization leap to the next level. Whether you are looking for support on a research project, an environmental puzzle to be solved or some super creative programming ideas, April comes to the table to make things happen."
-Fellow Creek Walker
"If environmental rock star status doesn't do it for you than you simply aren't paying attention. There is no one listen to when the topics of reptiles and amphibians comes up. She knows her stuff and makes it fun to learn, overcome fears and go beyond my comfort zone. I never liked snakes until I found the courage to touch a milk snake with April. She changed my life!"
-Imaginary Friend
Call April to discuss the best fit for your organization.