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“Interactive Environmental Programs” was born in 2000 as a way to introduce Pennsylvanians to their native flora and fauna. 

Our goal is to promote a sense of respect and stewardship toward nature right where we live, here in Pennsylvania.  Programs and  other educational services are provided by sole proprietor, April Claus.

Mission Statement of Interactive Environmental Programs:
Preserving the ecological integrity of Pennsylvania’s native flora and fauna through education and engagement.


Did you know ? . . .


  • "Children today spend less time outdoors than any other generation, devoting only four to seven minutes to unstructured outdoor play per day while spending an average of seven and a half hours in front of electronic media." 


  • "Nearly all (93 percent) U.S. adults say that activities offered by local park and recreation professionals and their agencies are beneficial to their mental health."


(National Recreation and Park Association, 2021)

Baby bird.jpg

This Little Birdie Says, "LET'S GET OUTSIDE, PEOPLE!"

© 2021 by Interactive Environmental Programs

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